Breast Augmentation Patient 111

Breast Augmentation Patient 112

The patient is a 32-year-old wanting breast enhancement surgery. She was approximately a 34B-cup size and desired to be two to three cup sizes larger. Sizing was discussed and she elected to proceed with 400 cc silicone gel implants. Bilateral breast augmentation was performed using a periareolar incision and 400 cc smooth round high profile implants were placed under the pectoralis muscle.
Breast Augmentation Patient 113

Patient is a 30 year old female wanting to undergo breast enhancement surgery. Bilateral breast augmentation was performed using an inframammary fold incision and 375 cc smooth round high profile silicone gel implants were placed under the pectoralis muscle.
Breast Augmentation Patient 114

Breast Augmentation Patient 115

Breast Augmentation Patient 116

Patient has bilateral 250cc smooth round high profile silicone gel implants placed subpectorally using an inframammary fold incision.
Breast Augmentation Patient 117

Patient underwent breast augmentation, with 275cc smooth round high profile implants placed submuscularly.
Breast Augmentation Patient 118

Smooth round high profile 250cc silicone implants placed in a submuscular position
Blur our tattoo
Breast Augmentation Patient 119

Breast Augmentation Patient 120

has 325CC Smooth Round High Profile silicone implants in submuscular position