Facelift Patient 20

The patient is a 71-year-old wanting to undergo facial rejuvenation to improve the puffiness around her eyes, jowling, and excess skin on her neck, and fine lines throughout her face. Lower lid blepharoplasty was performed with removal of fatty tissue from the herniated pockets. A rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty was also done and approximately 15-20 cc of fat was injected into her cheeks. The upper and lower lips were augmented with approximately 4 cc of fat.
Facelift Patient 21

The patient is a 50-year-old female who underwent facial rejuvenation surgery to improve the position of her brow, correct jowling and sag, and improve the appearance of fine lines. A rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty with endoscopic browlift and lower lid blepharoplasty was performed. Fat was removed from her abdominal area and transferred to the nasolabial folds and periorbital areas.
Facelift Patient 22

The patient is a 55-year-old female who underwent facial rejuvenation surgery to remove excess skin in her neck and upper eyelid areas and decrease jowling and the appearance of aging. A rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty was performed with upper lid blepharoplasty. She also received fat grafting to the marionette lines, suborbital and malar area, and upper face.
Facelift Patient 23

The patient is a 56-year-old who has undergone a facial rejuvenation procedure in the past, but was noticing increasing sagginess in her neck and cheek area. She elected to proceed with an additional rejuvenation procedure including rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty, mid-facelift, canthoplasty, and fat grafting to her nasolabial folds, temporal areas, lips, and around her eyes.
Facelift Patient 24

The patient is a 60-year-old who underwent facial rejuvenation surgery which included a rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty with fat grafting to her nasolabial folds and malar areas.
Facelift Patient 25

The patient is a 60-year-old who underwent facial rejuvenation surgery which included rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty, endoscopic browlift, and fat grafting in the perioral, cheek, and lower lid areas. CO2 laser was also performed around her mouth and eyes.
Facelift Patient 26

Facelift Patient 27

The patient is a 58-year-old female who has undergone facial rejuvenation surgery in which rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty, and lower lid blepharoplasty were performed. She also has CO2 laser done around her eyes and mouth to help reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Facelift Patient 28

The patient is a 60-year-old female who has undergone facial rejuvenation surgery. The procedures performed were rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty, endoscopic browlift, and upper and lower lid blepharoplasty. Fat grafting was done to the perioral and chin areas due to significant volume loss in that area.
Facelift Patient 29

The patient is a 60-year-old female with significant loss of volume in her face. She has elected to undergo facial rejuvenation surgery to improve the volume and remove excess and sagging areas of skin. She underwent a rhytidectomy, SMAS, platysmaplasty with fat grafting to the periorbital, perioral, and cheek areas. CO2 laser was done around the eyes in order to improve areas of fine lines.