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Rhinoplasty Patient 01
Rhinoplasty Patient 02
Rhinoplasty Patient 03
Rhinoplasty Patient 04
Rhinoplasty Patient 05
Rhinoplasty Patient 06
Rhinoplasty Patient 07
Rhinoplasty Patient 08
The patient is a 27-year-old female who underwent rhinoplasty procedure to correct a wide dorsum, a dorsal hump, and define the tip of her nose.
Rhinoplasty Patient 09
Rhinoplasty Patient 10
The patient is a 30-year-old female wanting to improve the appearance of her nose by removing the dorsal hump and decreasing the projection. She elected to undergo a rhinoplasty procedure where resection of a portion of the nasal dorsum was removed, the medial crurei was shortened bilaterally, and the septum was shortened of its anterior projection significantly.